Bandeau modèles hydrogéologique webgr, freepik modifié comscience
Monthly hydrological model GR2M

Monthly hydrological model GR2M

The last version of the GR2M model was developed by Mouelhi (2003).

The scheme of the GR2M model is presented below.

image004 (1).gif

Description of the GR2M model

In the GR2M model, the production function relies on a soil moisture store that is very similar to the one used in GR4J. Given a precipitation P, the level S in the store becomes S1 and is defined by:


The parameter X1, the maximum capacity of the store, is positive and is given in mm.
La pluie P1 en excès est donnée par :
P1 = P + S – S1
Given the potential evapotranspiration E, the level S1 becomes S2: :


The production store then empties with a percolation P2 and its level S, ready for the computations of the following month, given by:




The total precipitation P3 that reaches the routing store is given by:
P3 = P1 + P2
The level R in the routing store then becomes R1:
R1 = R + P3
A water exchange term is then calculated:
F = (X2 – 1).R1
The parameter X2 is positive and has no dimension. The level in the store becomes:
R2 = X2.R1
The store, with a fixed capacity equal to 60 mm, empties following a quadratic function.
The streamflow is given by:


 The model has two parameters to optimise during its calibration:

  • X1 : the capacity of the production store (mm),
  • X2 : the exchange coefficient (-).

See also

Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 05 December 2023 | By: Com