Catchment Hydrology research group

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18 June 2024


Seminar Megumi WATANABE (18 June 2024)

Megumi WATANABE, JSPS research fellow at The University of Tokyo and visiting researcher at Observatoire de Paris, presents her work on communicating ensemble flood forecasts with municipal officials in Japan.

24 April 2024

INRAE Antony, France & Online

STARS4Water & DRHYM Workshop

Data-driven hydrology and machine learning algorithms for water management and risk assessment

14 April 2024

Vienna, Austria & Online


Our team contributes to the organization of EGU and presents their research works.

09 April 2024

INRAE Antony, Salle Galilée & En ligne

Seminar CSIRO and NIWA at INRAE (9/04/2024)

Forecasting agricultural droughts in Australia and floods in New Zealand: two perspectives

Our open-access resources




Other teams in the HYCAR unit :

Catchment Hydrology research group at INRAE in Antony

Our research focuses on the development of hydrological models to represent river basin processes (in particular, models for the simulation of the rainfall-runoff relationship), as well as on the development of methodologies for the application of the models in operational hydrology.

Our main scientific and technical objectives are:

  • to develop reliable models for the representation of the hydrological behaviour of catchments (gauged or ungauged catchments),
  • to develop methods to forecast hydrological hazards (floods, droughts) and estimate statistical streamflow descriptors,
  • to evaluate the impacts of global changes (human activities and climate change) in hydrology,
  • to develop methods for transferring tools and methodologies to operational services and engineering consultancy firms in hydrology, adapting them to their different needs.

The team is part of the HYCAR research unit (Continental Hydrosystems – Resources, Risks, Restoration) of the AQUA Department of INRAE.