

Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling


The airGR package brings into the R software the hydrological modelling tools developed and/or used at INRAE-HYCAR (France), including GR4H, GR5H, GR4J, GR5J, GR6J, GR2M, GR1A and CemaNeige. Each model core is coded in Fortran to ensure low computational time. The other package functions (i.e. mainly the calibration algorithm and the efficiency criteria) are coded in R.

The airGR package has been designed to fulfill two major requirements: facilitate the use by non-expert users and allow flexibility regarding the addition of external criteria, models or calibration algorithms. The names of the functions and their arguments were chosen to this end.


For more information and to getting started with the package, you can go on the airGR website.


airGR is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).


If you use airGR, we ask you to use the following references to cite the package in your publications (you can obtain the references in R using the following command: citation(“airGR”)):

  • Coron, L., Thirel, G., Delaigue, O., Perrin, C. and Andréassian, V. (2017). The Suite of Lumped GR Hydrological Models in an R Package. Environmental Modelling and Software, 94, 166–171. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.05.002.
  • Coron, L., Delaigue, O., Thirel, G., Dorchies, D., Perrin, C. and Michel, C. (XXXX). airGR: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling. R package version X.X.X.X. DOI: 10.15454/EX11NA. URL:




Author:Laurent Coron, Olivier Delaigue, Guillaume Thirel, David Dorchies, Charles Perrin, Claude Michel
Maintainer:Olivier Delaigue
Contact :airGR [at]
License :GPL-2


Oral communication

The poster presenting airGR shown at EGU 2018:

More oral communication materials are available on the ‘Publications’ page of the airGR website.


Other tools

airGRgalaxy is a group of tools (R-packages [available on the CRAN] and graphical user interfaces [available on the sunshine platform]) built around the airGR package.


Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 05 December 2023 | By: Olivier Delaigue