

HydroGR Days

The HydroGR Days were created in 2018 with the aim to provide ample opportunity to exchange around the methods and tools developed in our team. Find here all the meetings organized by the team.



Our team often participates in the organization of conferences, and presents its research work. It also welcomes colleagues who present their work at INRAE or online. Find here all the conferences or seminars to which we have contributed, and the seminars that we have organized. 



Our team is often asked to intervene within the print, internet or audiovisual media, and contributes to promoting and disseminating its research to a wide audience (policy decision-makers, professionals, general public). Find here all our contributions (media, interviews, round tables, blog posts, newsletter articles, etc.). 

Modification date: 03 March 2024 | Publication date: 26 September 2023 | By: HYDRO