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PNUD West Bank (2016-2017)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): hydroclimatological modelling in Israel, Jordan and Palestine in the context of climate change.

About the project

  • Funding: PNUD
  • Coordinator:  TEC Conseil
  • Partners:  INRAE Antony, TEC Conseil, Acterra, Aria Technologies
  • Duration: 2016-2017
  • Contact @ INRAE Antony: Guillaume Thirel

In 2016 et 2017, IRSTEA was associated to two projects funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) about the realisation of hydroclimatological modelling in three basins in Israel, Jordan and Palestine in the context of climate change.

ACTERRA, TEC Conseil and ARIA Technologies, three consultant agencies, coordinated the realisation of climate projections with a resolution (25 km and 5 km) about 11 hydroclimatic indices and using dynamical downscaling methods (CORDEX and the WRF model). This work lead to the set up of a hydroclimatic visualisation tool online (climate service) and fed the production of water resources adaptation plans in the three countries.

A one-week training to climate change modelling and its impacts on hydrology were organised in 2016 by ACTERRA for a delegation of 15 experts of the 3 countries with Météo-France and Irstea. During this, we presented the main works of our team on R²D², Climaware, Explore 2070 and the 2013 IAHS workshop on the robustness of hydrological models.

In 2017, we brought our expertise on the set up of robust hydrological modelling on three target basins, including the use of airGR with success over two of these basins.

See also

Final reports of the project:

  • Jouan, R., Simonet, S., Fayez, A., Al-Bakri, J., Karablie, E., Al-Kisswani, H., Fabre, J., Thirel, G., L., R., Russo, L., Déandreis, C., 2017. Development of high-resolution hydro-climate model for fostering cooperation on water management between the Palestinian, Israeli, and Jordanian water authorities. Follow up phase : Provision for consultancy services to identify remedial and mitigation actions on the basis of joint discussions on the implications of the future water availability in the three counterpart countries. climate vulnerability assessment for Zarqa river basin. final report. Tech. rep., 115 pp.
  • Simonet, S., Fabre, J., Halevy, D., 2017. Development of high-resolution hydro-climate model for fostering cooperation on water management between the Palestinian, Israeli, and Jordanian water authorities. Follow up phase : Provision for consultancy services to identify remedial and mitigation actions on the basis of joint discussions on the implications of the future water availability in the three counterpart countries. Climate vulnerability assessment for the Harod basin. final report. Tech. rep., 91 pp.

Publication :

  • Givati, A., Thirel, G., Rosenfeld, D., Paz, D., 2019: Climate change impacts on streamflow at the upper Jordan River based on an ensemble of regional climate models, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 21, Pages 92-109, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2018.12.004.

Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 29 November 2023 | By: Hydro Team