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CLIMAWARE (2011-2013)

Impacts of climate change on water resources management – regional strategies and European view.

About the project

  • Funding: IWRM-net
  • Coordinator: University of Kassel
  • Partners: 
  • Duration: 2011-2013
  • Contact: Charles Perrin

Climaware aimed at providing adaptation strategies for water resources management, in response to climate change impact on land water. Three aspects were specifically considered:

  • irrigation
  • hydromorphology
  • dam management

Case studies were located in Germany, Italy and France. Besides, a modelling framework at the European scale (using the WaterGap model) was implemented to draw up a synthesis at the continental scale.

This project was coordinated by the University of Kassel (Germany) and brought together German, Italian and French partners.

See also


  • Final report :
  • Dorchies, D., Thirel, G., Jay-Allemand, M., Chauveau, M., Dehay, F., Bourgin, P.-Y., Perrin, C., Jost, C., Rizzoli, J.-L., Demerliac, S., Thépot, R., 2014. Climate change impacts on multi-objective reservoir management: case study on the Seine River basin, France. International Journal of River Basin Management, 12(3): 265-283, doi:10.1080/15715124.2013.865636.
  • Dorchies, D., G., Thirel, C., Perrin, J.-C., Bader, R., Thepot, J.-L., Rizzoli, C., Jost, S., Demerliac, 2016. Climate change impacts on water resources and reservoir management in the Seine river basin (France), La Houille Blanche, (5), 32-37, DOI: 10.1051/lhb/2016047.

Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 29 November 2023 | By: Hydro Team