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R2D2 2050

R2D2 2050 (2011-2013)

Rrisk, water resource management and sustainable development in the Durance river in 2050.

About the project

Logo R2D2
  • Funding: Ministry of Ecology (GICC program)
  • Coordinator: Éric Sauquet (INRAE Lyon)
  • Duration: 2011-2013
  • Contact: Charles Perrin

Coordinated by INRAE in Lyon, this project brought together eight research groups of different domains.

This project aimed to develop a prospective vision of water management across a complex territory, with intensive human activities: the River Durance basin (13,000 km ²).

The partners intended to build an accurate representation of the current functioning of the hydrosystem (quantitative and biological aspects) and to develop climate projections and socio-economic scenarios, working closely with local stakeholders involved in water management.

The contribution of Irstea Antony within this project was to deal with the water resources modelling, by supervising the work package dedicated to this topic. The following tasks were carried out: organisation of the multi-modelling of water resources on historical periods, designing of a calibration and evaluation protocol of the models on contrasted periods, analysis of the simulations (with graphs and metrics), analysis of the similarities of discharge and variables of the different models. We also participated in the hydrological projection exercise in the context of climate change using the GR5J model.

Download the final report of the R²D² projet

Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 29 November 2023 | By: Hydro Team