Bandeau modèles hydrogéologique webgr, freepik modifié comscience
Daily hydrological model GR4J

Daily hydrological model GR4J

The figure below presents the GR4J model (in French, modèle du Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier). More recent versions of the model exist: with five parametres (GR5J; Le Moine, 2008) and six parametres (GR6J; Pushpalatha, 2013). They were developed to provide a better simulation of low flows.


Description of the GR4J model

The GR4J model has four parameters to optimise during calibration:

  • X1 : the production store maximal capacity (mm),
  • X2 : the catchment water exchange coefficient (mm/day),
  • X3 : the one-day maximal capacity of the routing reservoir (mm),
  • X4 : the HU1 unit hydrograph time base (days).

We denote by P (mm/day) the rainfall amount and by E (mm/day) the potential evapotranspiration (PET). P is an estimation of the catchment rainfall and E can come from a mean interannual PET curve.
The following equations correspond to the equations integrated over a time step.
The first operation is the neutralization of P by E to determine a net rainfall Pn and a net evapotranspiration En, calculated by:

If P > E, then Pn = P – E and En = 0
If P < E, then Pn = 0 and En = E – P

In case Pn is different from zero, a fraction Ps of Pn goes to the production reservoir and is calculated by:

foncti16 (1).gif

where X1 (mm) and S are, respectively, the maximum capacity and the production store level.
Otherwise, when En is different from zero, a part of evaporation Es is removed from the production store. It is given by:


The production store level is updated through:
S = S – Es + Ps
A percolation called Perc coming from the production store is then calculated:


The production store level is then again updated:
S = S – Perc
The water quantity Pr that finally reaches the routing part of the model is:
Pr = Perc + (Pn – Ps)
Pr is divided into two flow components, 90 % being routed by a unit hydrograph HU1 and a routing store and 10 % by a unique unit hydrograph HU2.
HU1 and HU2 depend on the same parameter X4, the time base of HU1 expressed in days.
The hydrograms ordinates are calculated from the S curves (the accumulation of the proportion of unit rainfall treated by the hydrogram in function of time), respectively named SH1 and SH2.
SH1 is defined in function of time by:

For t = 0 


For 0 < t < X4 


For t > X4 


SH2 is defined in function of time by:
For t = 0 


For 0 < t < X4


For X4 < t < 2X4


For t > 2X4


The ordinates of HU1 and HU2 are then obtained from:


where j is an integer.
For each time step i, the outputs Q9 and Q1 of the two hydrograms are calculated with:


with l = int(X4)+1 and m = int(2.X4)+1, with int(.) the integer part.
A groundwater exchange term (loss or gain) is calculated with:


with R the routing store level, X3 the one-day maximal capacity of the store and X2 the water exchange coefficient, which is positive in case of a gain, and negative in case of a loss, or null.
The level in the routing store is updated by adding the Q9 output of the hydrogram HU1 and F :
R = max (0 ; R + Q9 + F)
Then, it empties in an output Qr given by :


The level in the store becomes: R = R – Qr
The output Q1 of the hydrogram HU2 goes through the same exchanges to give the flow component Qd :
Qd = max (0 ; Q1+F)The total streamflow Q is finally given by: Q = Qr + Qd

See also

Ours publications.

Logiciels :

A CSIRO study on the application of GR4J on 240 Australian catchments: Pagano, T., P. Hapuarachchi, and Q. Wang (2010), Continuous rainfall-runoff model comparison and short-term daily streamflow forecast skill evaluation, CSIRO Tech. Rep. EP103545, 70 pp., CSIRO, Australia

The PhD work of M. Le Lay (2006), with an application of the GR4J model on a  catchment in Benin

Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 04 December 2023 | By: Com