bandeau archives rencontres HydroGR
HydroGR Days 2018 - 2021

HydroGR Days 2018 - 2021

Find out more about HydroGR Days from 2018 to 2021 below.

1st HydroGR Days

  • Dates: November 8 and 9, 2018
  • Location: IRSTEA, Antony research center
  • Type: seminar/training
  • Subject: Learn about GR hydrological modeling using the airGR and airGRteaching R-packages
  • Target audience: engineering consultants, operational departments, development companies and local authorities
  • Nb. of participants: 20
  • Media: description & program

2nd HydroGR Days

  • Dates: October 28, 29 and 30, 2019
  • Location: IRSTEA, Antony research center
  • Type: seminar/training
  • Subject: Learn about GR hydrological modeling using the airGR  and airGRteaching R-packages
  • Target audience: PhD students, post-docs and confirmed researchers
  • Nb. of participants: 25
  • Media: description & program

3rd HydroGR Days

  • Dates: December 3 and 4, 2019
  • Location: IRSTEA, Antony research center
  • Type: seminar/training
  • Subject: The GRPFlood Forecasting Model
  • Target audience: engineering consultants and local authorities or establishments in charge of flood forecasting
  • Nb. of participants: 10
  • Media: description & program

4th HydroGR Days

  • Dates: December 7 and 8, 2021
  • Location: INRAE, Jouy-en-Josas–Antony research center and online
  • Type: seminar
  • Subject: Use of GR hydrological models
  • Target audience: GR model developers and users
  • Nb. of participants: 70
  • Media: description & programslideshows and videos of presentations

Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 04 December 2023 | By: HYDRO