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Moselle adaptation

Moselle adaptation (2021-2024)

Changes in water resources in the Moselle basin to 2050, and adaptation strategies to anticipate the impacts of climate change.

About the project

  • Funding:
  • Coordinator: Guillaume Thirel (INRAE Antony)
  • Partners: Sorbonne University
  • Duration: 2021-2024
  • Contact: Guillaume Thirel

The impact of climate change over water resources is real and past works showed that these resources will decrease in the future. Moreover, a study showed that the national Explore 2070 project allowed to identify the need to locally study adaptation solutions.

In this work, we propose an analysis of the vulnerability of water demand and the construction of adaptation strategies of the domestic, agricultural and industrial sectors over the Mosel catchment. This works will feed the strategic planification documents on climate change adaptation and its impact on the water cycle: a possible PTGE, irrigation schemes, etc.
this study will follow three steps which aim at answering the following questions:

  • Which tools can help to characterize at the local scale the vulnerability of water demand sectors in a context of global change and uncertainty?
  • How will resources, demand and vulnaraility of water sectors eveolve by 2050? What are the uncertainties associated to these projections?
  • Which adaptation strategies can we build on the Moselcatchment to anticipate the impacts of climate change?

See also

MOSARH 21 project

Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 29 November 2023 | By: Hydro Team