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Explore2 (2021-2024)

Impact of climate change on hydrology.

About the project

  • Funding: Ecology Ministry (MTE) & the French Office on Biodiversity (OFB)
  • Coordinator: Éric Sauquet (INRAE Lyon) & OiEau
  • Partners: BRGM, EDF, ENS, HSM, IGE, INRAE Antony & Lyon, IPSL, Météo-France, Sorbonne Université, université de Grenoble-Alpes
  • Duration: 2021-2024
  • Website: 
  • Contact: Guillaume Thirel

The Explore2 project, coordinated by INRAE and the Office International de l'eau (OiEau), follows the Explore 2070 study (2010-2012), which allowed researchers to establish first the prospective scenarios of water resources in France.

The Explore2 project aims at updating, by 2024, the knowledge on the impact of climate change on hydrology thanks to the new IPCC publications, as well as supporting local actors in the understanding and use of the results to adapt their strategies of water resources management.


The results are available on a hydroclimatic web portal dedicated to water resources, developed in line with the current DRIAS "Les futurs du climat" web portal (, which already makes available regionalised climate information over France. The last version of this "DRIAS-Eau" extended portal, created within the LIFE Eau & Climat project, is delivered since 2024.

In this project, the HYDRO team of INRAE Antony produced hydrological projections over France with the GRSD model.

Modification date: 13 February 2024 | Publication date: 29 November 2023 | By: Com