bandeau archive médias
Our media - 2013 to 2022

Our media - 2013 to 2022

Our media - 2013 to 2022


  • 26 February – 6 March 2022: The HYDRO team participates in the « Salon international de l’Agriculture » (Agricultural Show) in Paris, Porte de Versailles, sharing their research and expertise on water and water-related risks: interview with Vazken Andréassian on Saturday 26 February, and interview with Léonard Santos on Saturday 5 March. More here
  • 10 February, 9h: Vazken Andréassian participated in the Public hearing on « Scientific and technological aspects of quantitative water management », at the National Assembly and the Senate, organized by OPECST (Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques/ Parliamentary office for the evaluation of scientific and technological choices). The presentation was titled « What impact of climate change on water resources » (in French). See the program here and the recording here.


  • 18 July  2021, Vazken Andréassian coordinates the contribution « Prévisions, climat, gestion des risques… Les crues mortelles d’Allemagne et de Belgique en sept questions », published by « The Conversation » (here)
  • 15 July 2021, Maria-Helena Ramos co-wrote the synthesis of the « Global Hydrological Workshop 2021″, Online Newsletter Copernicus EMS (here
  • 19 April 2021, the partners of the project ANR PICS contribute to the News INSU CNRS (MISTRALS research programme): Payrastre, O., O. Caumont, B. Janet, P. Javelle, D. Lague, J-P. Naulin, D. Moncoulon, F. Pons, M-H. Ramos, I. Ruin, Better anticipate Mediterranean flash floods and their impacts, 19 April 2021 [in French].





  • 8 October 2017: Participation of Cédric Rebolho to Esprit Sorcier during the Fête de la Science, presentation of a mystery item: video
  • September 2017: Participation of Guillaume Thirel to the Rock-Head Sciences: A Day in the Geolife Series blog: link
  • July 2017: Video of Vazken Andréassian, Resilient Cities | Flooding: Exploring Early Warning Systems | Ep#2 | AXA Research Fund: link
  • 10 juin 2017: Video of Cedric Rebolho, Inondations: que peut la recherche ? Retour sur la crue de la Seine de juin 2016: link.
  • February 2017: Videos of Maria-Helena Ramos on building and evaluating European H2020 projects: first videosecond video





Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 04 December 2023 | By: Com