2024-04-14 EGU24

CONFÉRENCE | EGU General Assembly 2024

Du 14 avril 2024 au 19 avril 2024

Vienna, Austria & visioconférence

L’équipe participe à l’organisation de l'EGU et présente ses travaux de recherche

Les membres de l'équipe contribuent à l'organisation de la conférence avec la co-présidence du Comité de Programme et l'organisation de la session HS2.1.9 (From snow and glacier hydrology to catchment runoff) et du Grand Débat GDB4 (Early Warnings for All (EW4ALL) Initiative: science needs for the global ambition to protect everyone by 2027).

Ils contribuent aussi à plusieurs présentations orales et posters : 

  • Using Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) to enhance sub-seasonal drought predictions in the European Alps, Annie Yuan-Yuan Chang et al.
  • Correction of raingages' snow undercatch at meteorological stations using data from snow surveys: an Armenian case study, Vazken Andréassian et al.
  • Better mapping of groundwater-surface water exchanges over the Seine River catchment in a surface hydrological model, Shu-Chen Hsu et al.
  • Which data are available to evaluate the representation of human activities in hydrological models in France? Fanny Sarrazin et al.
  • Assessing lagged convective-scale weather ensembles for improved flood forecasting in fast-responding catchments Céline Cattoën et al.
  • Towards a better understanding of the hybrid modelling methodology for streamflow prediction, Antoine Degenne et al.
  • Data Assimilation Informed model Structure Improvement (DAISI) to improve prediction under climate change, Julien Lerat et al.

Voir les détails de la participation de l'équipe HYDRO ci-dessous.

Sessions organisées :

  • Programme Committee Co-Chairs: Maria-Helena Ramos, Athanasios Nenes
  • HS2.1.9 From snow and glacier hydrology to catchment runoff Co-organized by CR2 Convener: Francesco Avanzi | Co-conveners: Giulia MazzottiECS, Guillaume Thirel, Abror Gafurov, Doris Duethmann Orals | Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room 2.17 Posters on site | Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00 Hall A
  • GDB4 Early Warnings for All (EW4ALL) Initiative: science needs for the global ambition to protect everyone by 2027 Co-sponsored by WMO Convener: Elena Xoplaki | Co-conveners: Ilias Pechlivanidis, Monique Kuglitsch, Maria-Helena Ramos Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room E1

Présentations :

  • EGU24-12981 | ECS | Orals | HS3.5 Using Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) to enhance sub-seasonal drought predictions in the European Alps, Annie Yuan-Yuan Chang, Konrad Bogner, Maria-Helena Ramos, Shaun Harrigan, Daniela I.V. Domeisen, and Massimiliano Zappa Mon, 15 Apr, 09:05–09:15 (CEST) Room 2.44
  • EGU24-19969 | Orals | HS2.1.9 Correction of raingages' snow undercatch at meteorological stations using data from snow surveys: an Armenian case study Vazken Andréassian, Amalya Misakyan, and Artur Gevorgyan Mon, 15 Apr, 14:45–14:55 (CEST) Room 2.17
  • EGU24-15833 | Posters on site | HS8.2.12 Better mapping of groundwater-surface water exchanges over the Seine River catchment in a surface hydrological model Shu-Chen Hsu, Alban de Lavenne, Vazken Andréassian, Amal Rabah, and Maria-Helena Ramos Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Hall A | A.84
  • EGU24-16079 | Posters on site | HS5.1.3 Which data are available to evaluate the representation of human activities in hydrological models in France? Fanny Sarrazin, Léonard Santos, Olivier Delaigue, Guillaume Thirel, Vazken Andréassian, and Charles Perrin Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Hall A | A.92
  • EGU24-1543 | Orals | HS4.3 Assessing lagged convective-scale weather ensembles for improved flood forecasting in fast-responding catchments Céline Cattoën, Maria-Helena Ramos, Daniela Peredo, Stuart Moore, and Trevor Carey-Smith Tue, 16 Apr, 14:15–14:25 (CEST) Room 2.15
  • EGU24-10546 | ECS | Orals | HS1.3.3 Towards a better understanding of the hybrid modelling methodology for streamflow prediction Antoine Degenne, François Bourgin, Charles Perrin, and Vazken Andréassian Wed, 17 Apr, 11:10–11:20 (CEST) Room 2.31
  • EGU24-184 | Orals | HS2.4.4 Data Assimilation Informed model Structure Improvement (DAISI) to improve prediction under climate change Julien Lerat, Francis Chiew, David Robertson, Vazken Andreassian, and Hongxing Zheng Fri, 19 Apr, 17:30–17:40 (CEST) Room 2.44

Visitez le site de la conférence : https://www.egu24.eu/